13 Reasons Why Image Editing Is Important For Photographers


For a photographer, image editing is crucial; it can transform an ordinary photo into an extraordinary one. It’s a valuable skill to have, especially if you dream of working with a prestigious platform like Perfocal.


You will be able to increase the number of clients and stand out from other photographers who will boost your career. You can also learn image editing even if you do photography as a passion; it will transform those vacation or family pictures and make special memories.

1. Changing the Background

Sometimes, after taking incredible photos, you will realize the background is not eye-catching and appealing like you wanted. It can be an unnecessary object or the background color that makes the photo less appealing. The only way to please your client is to edit the image by changing the background and using a more attractive one. The background of a picture is very important; that’s why you need to get it right at all costs.

2. Editing Will Help You Build Your Style

The best way to leave your stamp on the photo is through editing. You can develop an editing style that makes the photos feel unique and make people know your work. It’s a good way to brand yourself, especially if you are starting as a photographer. People will be able to sample out your work through your editing; it’s fun to experiment on a few images until you find your editing style. Once you get it, you can stick to it throughout your photography endeavor and make it your style.

photo editing in lightroom and photoshop

3. Correcting Colours

When you go for a photo shoot, whether a wedding or a prenup shoot, you may not get the time to get every photo’s lighting correct, lighting will affect the colors on the image; you might realize later while going through the photos that some of the colors are not correct. If a client wanted their red dress to be red and not another color, you would need some editing. Correcting colors is also a way to make the picture more special, like, you can get rid of grey hair on the client’s image or add color to photos that look dull.

4. Retouching

Photo retouch is very important, especially when you are working with a model. Ever seen those perfect model images on billboards and wondered how that is possible? It’s editing. Now that you know, you should be able to deliver perfect photos with editing as well. With retouch, you can get rid of wrinkles, acne, or any blemishes that might degrade the image. You will be able to transform the general appearance of the person or object in the image completely.

5. Cropping

With cropping, you can get rid of unwanted content from the image. If you find things on the image that were not supposed to be there or even want to get rid of someone in a group photo, cropping is the best solution. It’s also the best way to emphasize the person or item on the image by cropping unnecessary distractions. It will save you from deleting the image completely, and it’s easy to do; there are no advanced skills needed.

adjust contrast

6. Editing Is Used To Adjust Contrast and Brightness

Contrast and brightness adjustments are necessary for any image. This is because photographers are expected to deliver perfection; if you give a client an image that appears too dark or too bright, you might not get another chance. Manipulating contrast in photos is very important; you may need a little knowledge about tone and matching different colors. With a little knowledge, you will be able to deliver images with the right contrast and brightness.

7. Restoring Images

Some clients will not ask you to take new photos; they will need you to make old photos feel new and appealing. Without editing skills, you can’t take on such clients, but it’s easy to recreate the different images for the better if you can edit. Photo restoration is common, and if you are serious about your photography, you should learn about it.

8. It’s A Way to Tell Stories

You take pictures with intent, hoping that when someone sees them, they can know the story behind it. It can be disappointing when the camera does not capture the moment, but you can enhance the image’s mood and feel thanks to editing. That way, you can tell a story using your images that were not fully captured by the camera. You can emphasize items on the images that you wish to draw attention to and recreate the whole story behind the picture.

create shadow in photography

9. Image Masking

Image masking is crucial for any photographer; without it, you can mess up the whole image. You use masking to protect certain items in the image; the protection is from any alterations while making changes to the photo. You will preserve parts of the image that are satisfactory while correcting parts that are not. Without image masking, you will destroy many good images when trying to make changes.

10. Creating Shadows

Showing up in a poorly lit room for a photoshoot is most photographers’ nightmare. If you master using shadows, you will create some creative portraits, especially in black and white. Shadows can add contrast to a photo that would otherwise be very plain; in a dark photo, it can create a much-needed contrast and highlight the image’s brighter parts. It will save you from lighting the dim room with your camera flash like a firework display.

11. It’s A Second Chance

Editing can be the second chance that you desperately need after a botched photo shoot. However much you struggle to deliver the best services, anything can happen and affect the quality of photos you take. Image editing will be your last Hail Mary to impress the clients; you will correct all the mistakes that can be corrected. You can be able to deliver outstanding photos, even on a bad day.


12. Marketing

There are editing tools that will make you look like a pro; it can be the boost you need, especially when you are starting. Making your images perfect will attract more clients; you should strive to take the best photos, but editing is the icing on the cake. You can also use small faint words at the corner of the image to market your work and make people reach you. You can use your name or social media pages; make sure the words are not taking attention from the image.

13. Saves the Cost of Using Photo Editors

Learning some photo editing skills as a photographer will save you a lot of costs. Instead of paying a photo editor each time you complete a photo shoot, doing it yourself can save you some cash. Editing will also inspire creativity in your craft because editing has very many tools. Your creativity in making unique and beautiful imagery will increase. Make sure you learn all the needed skills and know-how not to go overboard with your editing; too much editing can also reduce the quality of the photos.


Using image editing as a photographer will expand your scope and skills; there is no limit to the changes that can be made to make an ordinary image feel special. You can bring out life, color, contrast, and beauty in an image that didn’t have any. That is what will make you successful as a photographer, the editing process may not be as easy, but it’s all worth it. Whether you are a professional or just passionate about photography, what you do after pressing the shutter button matters a lot; it can make your work stand out or not


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